Joker Playing Card
Aquarius DC Joker Retro Playing Cards. 5.0 out of 5 stars 14. Get it as soon as Thu, Feb 6. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. Only 6 left in stock - order soon. More Buying Choices $5.08 (9 new offers). The joker card is found in most modern-day card decks in addition to the 52 normal cards. The joker card is its own ‘suit,’ and not associated with any of the four suits being clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. The joker card can be either extremely powerful or extremely detrimental.
Learn about this topic in these articles:
- In euchre
…the choice of the term joker for the extra card introduced into American euchre in the 1860s to act as the “best bower,” or topmost trump; bower is from German Bauer, literally “farmer” but also meaning “jack.” Euchre is therefore the game for which the joker was invented—the joker being,…
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playing card
- In playing cards: Jokers
Standard decks normally contain two or more additional cards, designated jokers, each depicting a traditional court jester. Few games employ them, and those that do use them in different ways. In rummy games, such as canasta, they are “wild” and may be used to…
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Joker Playing Card Black And White
- In poker: Cards
The most popular are:
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- In president: Game play
Two jokers, if available, rank as the highest cards, and one outranks the other if they are distinguishable. (For example, black joker beats red joker.) Second highest are the 2s, which, like jokers, may also be used as wild cards to a limited extent. These are…
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Joker Playing Card Shirt
- In whist: Bid whist
…54-card pack that includes two jokers marked or otherwise differentiated as “big” and “little.” The remaining six cards go facedown as a “kitty.”
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